We have changed websites. Please go to NEW BOSTON PAGE for our current website! > Supper Club

Supper Club

 3/11 PAC 10 HH hosted by UCLA

3/14 Volunteer @ Bread and Jams in Somerville

3/28 Book Club Thursdays and Weekends - UCLA Basketball Watching Parties


You know how there are about a gazillion restaurants in Boston? Do you find yourself frequently saying, "I'd like to try that place sometime"? Well Bruins, here's your chance. Starting in March we're kicking off our very own Supper Club. Each month we'll try out a new restaurant....varied locales, varied cuisine. Suggestions are welcome! DATE CHANGE NOTICE!!!!

When: Late March

Where: TBD

Time: 7-9pm

Meet at Sports Grille for a pre-dinner drink and we'll head to the restaurant from there.


PAC 10 Happy Hour

Not only is UCLA hosting, but in addition to enjoying the company of fellow PAC 10-ers, it will be prime viewing time for the PAC 10 tournament as March Madness kicks into high gear.

When: March 11th

Where: Sports Grille Boston

132 Canal Street - Fleet Center Area - Orange or Green line to North Station.

Time: 6pm to 10pm -


Hey Bruins! Let's get out and do some good for the community. Bread and Jams provides Sunday meals every week for the for the previously homeless, homeless, and economically disadvantaged men, women, youth, and families of the Greater Boston area.

When: March 14th

Where: St. James's Church

Time: 1:30 - 3:30 Preparation & some cooking

3:30 - 5:30 Preparation & cooking

5:30 - 7:30 Serving & clean up

Pick as many shifts throughout the day as you wish.

How to get there: St. James's Church (1991 Mass. Ave., Somerville) take the Red Line to Porter Square. Upon exiting onto Mass. Ave. walk towards the Dunkin Donuts. Stay on that side of the street for about 2 blocks when you will come across St. James's Church at 1991 Mass. Ave. Enter into the kitchen through the parking lot.

If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Jamie Kramar....(857) 919-6523 or jamie_kramar@dfci.harvard.edu. Be sure to include the following information: name, email, telephone and shift(s) in which you are interested.

For more information regarding Bread and Jams, check out their website at: http://www.breadandjams.org.


Join us for the inaugural UCLA Club of Boston Book Club! Our focus is to read books published by UCLA professors or having to do with Los Angeles/Southern California. For this session, we will be reading Dr. Jared Diamond's 1999 Pulitzer Prizewinning book, Guns, Germs and Steel and our first meeting will be on March 28, 2004.

Olivia Sanwong has generously volunteered to host this at her place (39 Clinton, Apt #6) from 12-2 PM.

For more details on the book, visit Amazon.com or try this link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0393317552/qid%3D1075820448/sr% 3D2-1/ref%3Dsr%5F2%5F1/104-2817019-5243923

For any questions please contact me at jenice.tom@staples.com Hope to see you there! Jenice Tom (UCLA '95)


 Don't forget to support Bruin hoops!

3/4 Oregon State - 10:37pm

3/6 Oregon - 4pm

All games can be seen at Sports Grille Boston down the street from Fleet Center.